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For my final project in the Stanford Code in Place course, I decided to recreate the classic Google Chrome Dino game with a unique twist. The game is dedicated to my dog, Alex, whose birthday coincided with the project's final deadline. To celebrate, I themed the game around her birthday party. This article outlines the step-by-step process of developing the game, focusing on the game mechanics, animation, and design choices.

Creating the Canvas


The first step was to set up the canvas using the Stanford Graphics library. This canvas served as the playground for all game elements.

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I defined the canvas dimensions and some constants to control the game's obstacle velocity and frame delay.

Initializing the Canvas and Background

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Here, I initialized the canvas and set up the background image. The bg_x variable is used to move the background, creating the illusion of a moving scene.

Game Mechanics


Obstacles and Character Initialization

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I initialized the obstacles and the main character, Alex, with initial positions. Alex has three images to create a simple running animation.

Handling the Game Start

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The game starts when the player presses the space bar. Until then, a welcome message and instructions are displayed.

Animation and Background Movement


Animating the Main Character

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The background moves to the left, giving the illusion of Alex running. The background image is designed to loop seamlessly, resetting its position when it moves off-screen.

Jump Mechanics


Handling the Jump

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The jump is controlled by monitoring the space bar key press. If Alex is already jumping, the handle_jump function manages the upward and downward movement:

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Collision Detection


Checking for Collisions

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Collisions are detected by checking the distance between Alex and each obstacle. If a collision is detected, the game ends with a "GAME OVER" message.

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Design and Art

I created pixel art for the game using Procreate. This included Alex, the obstacles, and the background. The obstacles are geese in party hats, a nod to Alex's love for geese and the birthday party theme.


Developing this game was a rewarding experience that combined programming skills with creative design. The birthday theme added a personal touch, making it a special project dedicated to my dog, Alex. Through this project, I learned how to handle game mechanics, animation, and graphics within the constraints of the Stanford Graphics library.

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